Lastest News and Publications

Written by Super User on . Posted in News & Articles

BRIDGEnet mission is to contribute on the free online eduction community.

Bridgenet will help its community on learning Computer, Internet Strategic use, Information technology topics, network, databases, web applications, and many other applications, tools, skills and apply them in people professional and/or personal development. Online seminars about how the BRIDGEnet community can publish articles and courses and contribute to help to educate other students will be made available soon. Meanwhile registered users can post articles and send proposed courses to be published.


Bridgenet will launch soon a volunteering program. This program will allow people who want to volunteer for other countries in different fields like health, nursing, education, sciences and technology to apply.

We ask to our community to post courses on nursing and healthcare due to a crescent demands from students.

Our lastest news in this section is about the the new book from Barbara Philip about Telecenters. .
People can volunteers to be teachers in the matter that they are knowledgeable. Users can sign for virtual classes, communicate through forums.